travel wear
10th Anniversary Destination: Senegal?
Living in Senegal would be an opportunity to challenge our perspective. West Africa beats to its own special drum and is possibly further from our experience than any other destination on this list.
10th Anniversary Destination: Morocco?
Living in Morocco would be to dive into the mysterious landscape and mystical North African culture that I love. Both French and Arabic speaking, living there would be an opportunity to go deeper into a culture that is built on layers of.. scratch the surface of a place where the desert way of life feels diametrically opposed to ours.
10th Anniversary Destination: France?
Living in France would be a reset on how to approach life. Particularly in the South of France, people work to live, not the other way around. And, the sense of a focus on joy is palpable.
10th Anniversary Destination: Vietnam?
Living in Vietnam would be to turn our lives on their heads. Literally on the other side of the world, the country is an explosion for the senses.