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Journal — Travel Tips
How to Adventure in a City
• Adventures • Travel • Travel Tips
I bring to you some of my favorite ways to create a bigger adventure in any town, and get your sweat on whether it’s someplace you’re visiting or where you hang your hat at home.
Your Hometown Is Someone Else's Exotic Destination
At this moment when international travel remains suppressed, I was reminded of this pattern last week - not because I was traveling overseas - but because I had a eureka moment during an adventure at home.
Safe Travel: How to Protect Yourself From Pickpockets
After years of travel, and time spent sitting on the other side (watching thieves work tourists in a few of countries I’ve lived in), I have observed four things that conspire to make travelers a target more than anything else.
The Best Airline Credit Card — Isn’t From an Airline
You ready for my confession? I don’t subscribe to the whole system of attempting to accumulate miles via an airline credit card. I place the majority of my airline purchases on a credit card that’s not from an airline.
Your Guide to the World’s Low Cost Airlines
As a western traveler, if you buy a ticket to somewhere remote on a major airline, you’re likely to pay through the nose. To help illustrate some better options, we did a roundup of the most notable discount airlines by region.