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Threshold Crew Neck T-Shirt in Olive Green Threshold Crew Neck T-Shirt in Olive Green

Threshold Crew Neck T-Shirt

Olive Green -  Classic Fit
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What to Pack for Europe, Or Any Place Where Style Rules

Packing for Travel Logo By Stefan Loble
What to Pack for Europe, Or Any Place Where Style Rules
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Stefan traveling with his bag.

Choosing what to pack for a trip to a stylish destination — like Europe — can be stressful, especially if you’re trying to pack light. That’s because you want to be comfortable for days of walking — whether you’re on a hike or just hoofing around town — and you want to look stylish when visiting museums, galleries, theaters, or nice restaurants.

I’ve got my packing list of travel clothes for Europe down to what I consider the essentials, and I’ve done it for as long as three weeks with just what you see below. Of course, your mileage may vary based on how long you’re traveling and what activities you’re planning for, but this is where I start.

These are the scenarios I’m trying to cover:

  • General touring - Including walking around cities, climbing the stairs of old castles, etc. My goal is to stay comfortable in all temperatures and also dressed well enough to not feel out of place wherever I go.
  • Going out - Ready to enjoy a nice meal or a fine museum, on the spot - even right after a hike.
  • Exercise - It’s a must for me, so I have to pack for it.
  • Occasional cold weather - This part can add to your load. This list is for what to wear in Europe for summer, but bigger adventures typically require more gear. But because our clothing is designed to work on the trail, I have a lot of success layering the same pieces I wear to a museum as I do in cold weather at higher altitudes.

Of course this list is Bluffworks heavy, but this is why I built these clothes: to meet my needs while traveling, and be some of the best travel clothes for Europe (and beyond).


I only pack one pair of pants and one pair of casual shorts. Obviously I like Bluffworks because they work for every situation, don’t wrinkle or stain, and can easily be washed and dried on the go. I created them to be the best travel pants for Europe and similar destinations. Our Departure Jeans have a traditional look but feature a cotton-COOLMAX blend that makes them super soft, with more stretch and breathability than regular jeans. Or for versatile pants with a classic chino style, our Ascender Chinos offer 10 pockets and a comfort waistband. In addition, I bring a pair of workout shorts or often a swimsuit that I use to work out in. (I’m trying to build up the courage to tell you the bathing suit story from Lyon. Maybe, another time…)

  • 1-2 pair of pants. (For me, one is all I need.)
  • 1 casual pair of shorts
  • 1 additional pair of shorts / bathing suit for workout or swim

Favorites: Bluffworks Departure Jeans, Bluffworks Ascender Chinos, Patagonia Board Shorts


When I think about what to wear in Europe, my goal is to carry things that allow me to be active while still looking great. As shirts absorb more odor than pants, you have to be crafty. Our Meridian dress shirt is a staple for me, as with its anti-microbial properties I can wear it for days - same goes for our Piton Polo shirt. Our Threshold T-Shirt is a great performance workout shirt that doesn’t look too synthetic and can be worn multiple times. I usually wear it as a layer during the day and then at the end, to really hammer it, I wear it to exercise in right before a wash. Some people enjoy wool, but I find them too warm.

  • 1-2 button down shirts (good for 2-3 days of wear, each)
  • 1 casual shirt
  • 2 workout t-shirts

Favorites: Bluffworks Meridian Dress Shirt, Bluffworks Piton Polo, Bluffworks Threshold T-Shirt


I’m often cold and frequently end up on a mountain when I travel. When going someplace chilly, I wear our blazer as an extra layer (whether it's a frigid airplane or an alpine hike), and I love adding an insulated vest on top of it. When I put everything on this list together, there’s no need to pack a bulky, heavy coat, and I have a solution for the right level of insulation in lots of different settings.

  • 1 blazer
  • 1 wool zip pullover
  • 1 insulated vest

Favorites: Bluffworks Gramercy Blazer, Mont Bell Rain Shell (Mont Bell is serious about their tech fabrics. As a Japanese brand, be sure to buy products that are in Western, not Asian sizing.) and Bluffworks Horizon Vest.

Personal items:

Darn Tough wool socks always make it into the packing list.

I usually bring 5-6 pairs of underwear, and 4-5 pairs of wool socks that I can wear a couple of times each. You can carry fewer if you sink wash them.

  • 4-5 pairs of socks
  • 5-6 pairs of underwear
  • Toiletries

Favorites: Darn Tough Socks. I haven’t found the perfect travel underwear yet, and currently wear athletic underwear that isn’t too expensive.


A belt by Satchel + Paige is the perfect travel accessory.

Belts and sunglasses are very personal. My favorite belt is from Satchel and Paige, because they are of beautiful, high quality without breaking the bank; and will last forever. I find it hard to find a stylish travel hat. I always have a baseball cap for activity, but they don't always work in urban settings. If you’ve got a suggestion for a travel hat, please let me know. Other additions to accessories are a wool cap and light gloves, because they enable me to be comfortable on hikes in cold weather at higher altitude.

  • 1 belt
  • 1 sun hat
  • 1 pair of sunglasses
  • 1 warm hat and light gloves

Favorites: Satchel & Paige Belt.


A selection of three pairs of shoes covers most scenarios you need while traveling in Europe.

I recently wrote a whole post about how I choose my shoes for Europe. It isn’t easy to find the perfect pair of shoes for every situation, but I’ve figured out how to cover all my needs with just two pairs.

  • 1 walking / city shoes
  • 1 workout / water shoes

Check out the best shoes for travel in Europe (and beyond!)

This packing list for Europe operates based on a few assumptions:

The first is that you’ll do laundry while traveling. If you assume that, it enables you to go forever and yet still pack light. The shirts on this list will go for 2-3 days without washing, and pants more. How many you bring is a factor of how often you plan to do laundry. Once a week is a good target.

I like to find a local laundry service over hand washing in the sink, or paying high hotel fees. Everyone needs laundry done all over the world, and if you take two seconds to look, you’ll likely find a reasonable deal.

Another assumption is how much you carry must align with your bag. I don’t like roller bags, as I find twisting to drag them less comfortable than carrying a load. I’m a both-hands-free, ready for action kind of guy, so backpacks are my way to go. (For more carry styles and specific bag recommendations, see our comparison post.)

I like the Tortuga Outbreaker backpack. At 45L it’s the right size for most overseas travel — as long as I’m not carrying wetsuits, climbing gear, etc. It’s water resistant and has pockets galore for organization.

What does it take to pack light?

You may have read a packing list like this before, but then struggled to stick to it. The question is, why?

It’s probably because you’re concerned about not having something you need. One view is that wasting precious vacation time to shop, or ending up in a lurch without something is a bummer. But, that’s not necessarily going to happen.

I prefer to:

  • Be excited about buying what I need abroad. Last summer before going on a high alpine hike at the incredible all inclusive Colonie de Vacances I stayed at, I bought a pair of mid weight gloves. And I now think of my trip to France every time I use them. The scarf you buy in Paris, sandals in Senegal, sweater in Tokyo will become mementos that may join you on a future trip, and are much more useful than careless souvenirs.
  • Consider the worst that could happen. Backpacking trip to Southern Utah? I’m extraordinarily prepared. Touring Montreal, it’s going to be OK.
  • Wherever I’m going, I embrace the local solution. I remind myself that people survive there, and probably have a fix for whatever I need. When I lived in Vietnam, while riding my motorbike I would see pumps and water bins sitting by the side of the road. This was the sign for “flats fixed here.” Now, when I travel, I enjoy trusting the culture I’m headed to explore, and believe the world will provide.
  • Lastly, I have come home from a trip after packing too much so many more times than I have been stuck without something. So, I challenge myself to go the other way, to narrow down the sweet spot of what I need.

I once read that any resource you have should never be fully invested. Leave home with less than you need, and a bag that has room to absorb the unexpected joys of things from a foreign land.

When I solve problems abroad using local solutions, it makes me feel more immersed in the culture.

After all, that's the whole thrill, right?

Stefan Loble

August 17, 2017


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